I/o programming – INFICON STC-2000A Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual

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I/O Programming Introduction

The ability of the user to configure the structure of STC-2000A's inputs and outputs is

one of its most powerful features. The I/O configuration can be customized by the user through

the use of the I/O setup menus of the STC-2000A. This is accomplished through the LCD display, the fixed
front panel MENU key and the software controlled touch panel LCD display overlay (a 12 column by 4
row key matrix). See section 2.1.


In this section, I/O Setup menus will be used to enter, view and maintain I/O programs through the

above described LCD menus. Section 6.0 will describe host port commands that can duplicate these
General Description
: The LED display indicates run time values of rate/power/thickness. The 1


line of

the LCD indicates the menu path down to the current menu. The next line (central part only) indicates
operations as running or stopped along with the I/O program checksum (prefixed with the label: ID=).
Next, there is an area that shows as many as three I/O Setup list items with the 2nd of 3 list positions
allowing edits (edit line always indicated by -

↓↓-). Each list item occupies two display lines (line# on 1



tokens on 2


). In the area on the right, there are 9 touch key areas that can become active or inactive as

appropriate for the various cascading menu usages. The following depicts the main I/O setup menu in its
initial state (with no program entered).
There are four general functions that can be utilized: 1) View the I/O program using GOTO and arrow
keys, 2) Exchange (swap) or save the I/O program using the MEM (memory) key to access a sub-menu, 3)
Run or stop the I/O program using the OPR (operations) key to access a sub-menu, 4) Edit the I/O program
(includes adding/deleting/changing lines) using the EDT (edit) key to access a series of sub-menus. See
sections 5.9 and beyond for detailed descriptions.


The I/O program is a list of logical combinations of states or events with their desired results. The

states and events are related to the inputs, outputs and internal operation of the STC-2000A by
identification numbers shown in Table 5.4. These ID's along with a function code form tokens which are
evaluated along with Boolean operators (AND, OR & NOT) to cause the desired output results. Each line
of the I/O program is called a rung. The minimal program is shown above, with the END line in the 2



position (display lines 5 and 6). Don't confuse program line (rung) number with the physical LCD display
line number. The display line number will not be used.

An I/O rung consists of three segments: the rung number, the input statement, and the output

token. The rung number is like a line number in a software program. Rungs can be inserted or deleted by
editing an I/O program as described in Sections 5.11 through 5.14. When this is done the rungs are
renumbered. The rung number serves as a reference when writing or recording an I/O program.

After the rung number, an input expression follows. This can be a single input token or a logical

expression of many tokens. When an input expression becomes too complex to fit in the rung, soft nodes


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