INFICON STC-2000A Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual
Page 127

Has ID type 11 indicating 96kbyte module.
From the main menu, press the service key to bring forth the service menu. On the service menu, press the
key labeled AS IS. This will eventually, with the 3
and 4
presses, reveal the memory module transaction
related keys. M.M.
UNIT takes what is stored in the memory module and transfers it to the STC-2000A,
which is overwritten. UNIT
M.M. takes what is in the STC-2000A and stores it into the memory
module. Please note that in both cases, the recipient of the data is overwritten. Pressing the Accept key
finalizes the data transfer directive. Pressing the BYE key leaves the service screen without any effect. If
other keys are pressed on the service screen, whatever is indicated on the key legends will become
implemented along with the memory module data transfer.
Other lines from the memory module Options Info screen
ID,SRL#: The ID identifies the amount of memory in the module.
9 = 32 kbytes
10 = 64 kbytes
11 = 96 kbytes
The STC-2000A memory usage, at this time, will not exceed 32 kbytes.
The SRL# is a randomly generated serial number when formatted in the field (between 1
and 1000). It is generated and assigned by the STC-2000A to the memory module when it is
formatted. The numbers 217 and 113 can be found as serial numbers among the above screen
depictions. Factory formatted modules are assigned numbers to match a bar-coded label placed on
the exterior of the module.
MM DATA: This is a number code that identifies the product with which this memory module has been
used, if formatted. The code "4,3" identifies the STC-2000A deposition controller.
CSUB RQ: This is the number code that the STC-2000A will write to a memory module when formatted.
[The intent is to first identify the memory module in terms of its former usage, if any, and to check whether it
was a deposition controller type (the MM DATA is compared with CSUB RQ). A memory module used
with another type of product will be reformatted as it is used with an
. These 2 number codes
are merely an identification aid for the user.]
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