Transverse contour roughing with recessing g829, 1 1 cont our -based t u rn ing cy cles – HEIDENHAIN MANUALplus 4110 User Manual

Page 316

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6 DIN Programming





-Based T



ing Cy


Transverse contour roughing with recessing

The cycle machines the contour area described by the current tool
position and the data defined in the subsequent blocks in transverse
direction with recessing (see “Contour definition” on page 310).


Z cutting limit:

The control machines up to the cutting limit.

P maximum infeed:

The proportioning of cuts is calculated so that an

"abrasive cut" is avoided and the infeed distance is <= P.

E plunge feed:

The tool enters the material at the plunge feed E.


E=0: Descending contours are not machined.


No entry: The steeper the tool plunges into the material, the
greater the feed rate decrease (max. 50%).

H type of departure

(default: 1):


H=0: Machine contour outline after each pass.


H=1: Retract at 45°; machine contour outline after last pass.


H=2: Retract at 45°; do not machine contour outline.

I oversize X

(diameter value)—(default: 0)

K oversize Z

(default: 0)

Note on the execution of the cycle:


MANUALplus automatically determines the cutting and infeed
directions from the current tool position relative to the starting point
/ end point of the contour area.


Tool position at the end of the cycle: Cycle starting point

Example: G829


N1 T3 G95 F0.25 G96 S200 M3

N2 G0 X125 Z0

N3 G829 P5 H1 I1 K0.3

N4 G0 X120 Z-12

N5 G1 Z-3 A195 B3

N6 G1 X90 B2

N7 G1 Z-9 A-65 B-2

N8 G1 X50

N9 G1 Z-11 A-60

N10 G1 X32 B1

N11 G1 X24 Z0

N12 G80



The tool must be located outside the defined contour


Cutting radius compensation: Active.


G57/G58 oversizes are taken into account if I/K is not
programmed. After the cycle has been executed, the
oversizes are canceled.


Safety clearance after each step: Parameter "Current
parameters—Machining—Safety distances."

Danger of collision!

If the tool angle and the tool point angle have not been
defined, the tool plunge-cuts at the plunging angle. If the
tool and point angles have been defined, the tool plunge-
cuts at the maximum possible plunging angle. In this
case, the resulting contour will not be completely finished
and may need to be reworked.