Alarms – WattMaster WCC II User Manual

Page 42

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Section 3: Screen Descriptions

WCC II Operator’s Guide

Operator Interfaces


Pattern for Values Associated With This Input:

Specifi es where you would like the decimal point to appear in the
value displayed by the system. Because this is a “choice” fi eld,
a list of available choices will be displayed at the bottom of the

CHOICES: < x,xxx , xxx.x , xx.xx , >

You may make your selection by pressing the

until the desired data pattern has been selected and then pressing


Units @






If the screen type is “ANALOG,” this specifi es the scaling
information used by the system to proportionally scale the input
value to the desired range. The raw input value to the satellite
controller ranges from zero to one volt. If the scaling information
has been set to 0 at 0% scale, and 100 at Full scale, a raw input
value of 0.6 volts would produce a scaled value of 60.

_______ Pulses = _______ Hours

If the screen type is “PULSE,” this specifi es the calibration
information for the pulse meter connected to channel 1 of the
satellite controller. The fi rst input is a “choice” fi eld, and therefore
a list of available choices will be displayed at the bottom of the

CHOICES: < 100, 1000 >

The second input is used to “scale” or “calibrate” the particular
sensor that is being used. For example, consider a pulse meter
which measures the kwh of a building. Electrical meters are
basically a small motor whose speed is proportional to power
being used. Let’s consider a meter where one revolution equals
one kwh, and the meter sends 5 pulses to the satellite controller
for every 6 revolutions. Therefore, we would enter “100 Pulses =
120 kwh Hours.” (Note: maximum pulse rate allowed = 4 pulses
per second.)

5 pulses = 6 revolutions
1 revolution = 1 kwh
5 pulses = 6 kwh
100 pulses = 120 kwh

Units-of Measure

Message #: 1

A number is entered here that references a message on the On/Off
Units Messages Screen
. For example, if units-of-measure message
#4 is “° F,” entering “4” will cause “°F” to be displayed as the
units-of-measure for the analog input.

Filter Time Constant: ____ Seconds

Specifi es the sampling rate of the analog input. This is used by the
satellites to “fi lter” (or smooth) the analog input signal. This can be
used on inputs that “jump around” to reduce sporadic load control.
Because this is a “choice” fi eld, the list of available choices will be
displayed at the bottom of the screen:

CHOICES: < 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 >

You may make your selection by pressing the


the desired fi lter time constant has been selected and then pressing



Controlled by:

Specifi es the binary value that selects the ON or OFF alarm limits.
When this value is OFF, the OFF alarm limits are selected; when it
is ON, the ON alarm limits are selected.

Alarm Type:

Specifi es the priority (or “importance”) level for any alarms
generated by this input. Alarm types range from one (highest
priority) to eight (lowest priority). The system prints out and calls
out higher priority alarms fi rst. (The fi rst fi ve alarm priorities (1-5)
have call-out-on-alarm capabilities.)

Alarm Message # Low: ___ High: ___

Specifi es a pair of message numbers, one for LOW alarms and
the second for any HIGH alarms. These numbers are used by
the system to reference a message which is entered on the Alarm
Message Screen