Main menu screen – WattMaster WCC II User Manual

Page 37

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Section 3: Screen Descriptions

WCC II Operator’s Guide

Operator Interfaces


The Main Menu Screen allows you to view the available screens
within the ECC/WCC II system. To get to a screen listed on the
Main Menu, use the arrow keys to position the cursor over the
name of the screen you want to access and press


The Main Menu is divided into three categories: Sat #, Overview,
and Central Unit.

Sat #____

The information associated with the screens within this category
is stored in the satellite controllers and IS NOT stored in the CPU
(personal computer). It is a very good idea to save this information
on a back-up disk by using the Satellite Save/Restore program
located in the overview category.


This section allows the operator to perform operations and view
screens which affect all of the satellite controllers on the system.
The information associated with the screens located in this
category is stored in the CPU (personal computer). When the

screens in this category are programmed for the fi rst time, or when
a change is made to these screens, the system automatically stores
the information on the data disk.

Central Unit

The screens located in this category are GLOBAL commands.
Global commands “travel” along the two-wire communication
loop and are used by any or all of the satellite controllers. All of
the satellites are constantly monitoring this information but only
certain satellites will react to the information depending on how
they have been programmed. The information associated with
the screens located in this category is stored in the CPU (personal
computer). When the screens in this category are programmed for
the fi rst time or when a change is made to these screens, the system
automatically stores the information on the data disk.





+-------Sat #____-----+ +------------Overview---------+ +-------Central Unit-------+

Alarm Summary

Analog Inputs

Satellite Summary

Week Schedules

Control Outputs


Optimal Starts

Analog Outputs


Analog Globals

Trend Logs

System Parameters

Binary Globals

Logic Switches

On/Off Units Messages

Shed/Restore Program

Alarm Messages

Duty Cycle Programs


Save/Restore to Disk

Proportional Reset

Satellite Copy

Special Keys

Secure the System

Utility Screen


Energy Consumption



Active alarms in classes:

Alt H for Help

WCC2 Version X.XX

Backtask Version X.XX