Measurement Computing DBK Part 2 User Manual
Page 99
8B Isolated Signal Conditioning Module
DKB48, pg. 19
The following applies to customers using a CA-208 instead of a CA-208-3 cable.
Users of CA-208-3 are to ignore this material.
If the DBK48 is not connected to a Daq device via the P1 connector, then remove the Rnets from S01
and S02. These resistor networks connect each 8B module’s output to the multiplexer for P1.
DO NOT connect the CA-208 cable directly to the Signal Output connector. First connect a CA-35-18
cable to the DB25; then connect the CA-208 to the CA-35-18 cable. Both cables are required.
Wiring Diagrams
Use the two cables (CA-208 and CA-35-18) as follows:
1. Connect the CA-35-18 expansion cable to DBK48’s 25-pin Signal Output connector.
2. Connect DB25 end of the CA-208 cable to the CA-35-18 expansion cable.
3. Connect the CA-208 analog common banana plug to the local ground of the measuring equipment.
4. Connect the CA-208 BNC connectors (for channels 1 through 8) to the measuring equipment.