Measurement Computing ACC-300 User Manual
Acc-300 interface board

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Copyright © Measurement Computing Corporation
ACC-300 Interface Board
The Measurement Computing ACC-300 interface board allows you to preserve your field wiring as you transition from PCI-DAS1xxx
Series hardware to PCI-DAS6000 Series hardware.
PCI-DAS6000 Series Overview
The PCI-DAS6000 series provides most of the same features and functionality of the PCI-DAS1xxx series products. Other capabilities
include an additional eight programmable digital I/O lines and the ability to configure all 16 analog inputs as non-ground referenced
single-ended inputs that share a common signal reference. PCI-DAS6000 series products also have a common set of control inputs and
outputs (AUXIN<0..5> and AUXOUT<0..2>) that can be configured or programmed to provide the same control signal I/O available
on the PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600 product families. Configuring these programmable I/O lines in InstaCal, or by writing the proper
values to the hardware configuration registers, provide the same external clock and trigger signals as the PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600
product families. The ACC-300 is designed to route these control lines to the same connector pins that are used by the
PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600 product families.
Migrating PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600 Series applications to the PCI-DAS6000 Series
The PCI-DAS6000 series is a full line of multifunction products that offer 12- and 16-bit analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer
I/O. Below are some recommendations to consider when choosing a product to replace a PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600 series product.
Because application requirements vary considerably, take care when choosing a replacement product that provides the functionality
your application requires. Please review all product specifications when choosing a PCI-DAS6000 series product.
PCI-DAS1000 and PCI-DAS1200/JR products
These products can be replaced with a PCI-DAS6025. In addition, two analog outputs and an additional eight bits of DIO are
available. For applications that don’t require digital I/O a PCI-DAS6023 could be considered.
PCI-DAS1001, PCI-DAS1002 and PCI-DAS1200 products
These products can be replaced with a PCI-DAS6025. An additional eight bits of DIO are available. The PCI-DAS6040 is an
alternative for applications that do not require more than eight bits of digital I/O. For applications that don’t require digital I/O a
PCI-DAS6023 could be considered.
PCI-DAS1602/12 and PCI-DAS1602/16 products
When replacing the PCI-DAS1602/12 board, consider the PCI-DAS6070 and PCI-DAS6040 for applications that require higher A/D
input sampling rates and don't require more than eight bits of digital I/O. When replacing the PCI-DAS1602/16 board, the
PCI-DAS6052 board provides 16 high speed 16-bit analog inputs and two 16-bit analog outputs.
InstaCal Configuration and Programming
For some applications it will be necessary to change some default settings of the PCI-DAS6000 series AUXIN and AUXOUT control
I/O lines in InstaCal for applications that were developed using the Universal Library (UL). Using the ACC-300 will require the
following changes to the default InstaCal settings. These same changes will be required for custom drivers or register level application
PCI-DAS1000 and PCI-DAS1200 products
Pin 77, 10MHz OUT requires that AUXOUT0 be set to CTR2_CLK and the CTR2 source must be set to 10 MHz. UL code accessing
CTR4 and 5 must now reference CTR1 and 2.
PCI-DAS1602/12 and PCI-DAS1602/16 products
Pin 49, SSH OUT requires that AUXOUT2 be set to ADC_SSH – Inverted. UL code accessing CTR4 must now reference CTR1.
TP1 and TP2 Jumper Settings
There are two 2-position jumper blocks on the ACC-300.
is used to choose between A/D EXTERNAL PACER or ANALOG
TRIGGGER IN. For applications that require both functions, other AUXIN inputs could be used for A/D EXTERNAL PACER.
is used to optionally connect the A/D EXTERNAL TRIGGER to both the A/D START TRIGGER and the A/D STOP TRIGGER
inputs for applications that require both functions (A/D pre- and post trigger functions), at the same input pin.
Document Outline
- PCI-DAS6000 Series Overview
- Migrating PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600 Series applications to the PCI-DAS6000 Series
- InstaCal Configuration and Programming
- TP1 and TP2 Jumper Settings
- PCI-DAS1000/1200/1600 and PCI-DAS6000 comparisons
- PCI-DAS1xxx Series pinout
- PCI-DAS6000 Series pinout
- 100-pin connector pinout
- Signal mapping between the PCI-DAS1xxx and PCI-DAS6000
- Cabling