Software setup – Measurement Computing DBK Part 2 User Manual
Page 235

Connecting DBK207 or DBK207/CJC to a Daq Device
DBK207 and DBK207/CJC can be connected to the P4 connector of a DaqBook/2000 Series device or a
DaqBoard/2000 Series board via a CA-195 cable or can be connected through the P1 connector of an
applicable DBK200 series adapter board via CA-37-1 accessory ribbon cables.
Software Setup
Reference Notes:
DaqView users
Refer to
chapter 3, DBK Setup in DaqView.
LogView users - Not Applicable.
DaqView software versions preceding 7.7 do not provide complete software support
for the DBK207 or the DBK207/CJC carrier boards. If your version of DaqView
precedes version 7.7, you must uninstall it, then install a more recent version of
DBK Option Cards and Modules
DBK207 and DBK207/CJC, pg. 7