KEYENCE LT-9001 Series User Manual

Page 97

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E LT-9001-IM


Peak hold [PEAK]

Measures the maximum value in the time period (sampling time) specified by the external TIMING input to

display/output it.

• Bottom hold [BOTTOM] ...................Measures the minimum value in the specified time period (sampling time).

• Peak-to-peak hold [P-P] ..................Measures the differential between the maximum and minimum values in

the specified time period (sampling time).

• Average hold [AVG.H].....................Measures the average value in the specified time period (sampling time).

• The sampling time is the time period in which the TIMING input is OFF. The maximum value in the sampling

time right before the TIMING input becomes ON is output.

• In the following cases, the judgment standby status ("- - - -" is indicated) is displayed until the first measured

value is fixed.

When you turn on the power, change the settings, change the program No., input RESE, and input Auto-zero.

• Judgment outputs are output according to the measured value.

• The ON status of each output means that the NPN open-collector output is ON.

• The ON status of each input means that the input and the COM terminal are short-circuited.

• The RS-232C output is synchronized with the timing input when the "D-MODE" in the environment setting is set

to any option other than OFF. (

Page 8-17)

• Refer to "Binary Output" (

page 7-10) for details of the binary output.

• If the TIMING input becomes ON during the reset processing is in progress, the judgment standby status

("- - - -" is indicated) is displayed.

• The TIMING input and RESET input can be controlled using the RS-232C. (

Page 8-6)

• The TIMING input and the RESET input can be controlled by using the [HOLD] button and the [ESCAPE]

button respectively. (

Page 5-3)

Select 2 for the number of times for averaging if the measurement mode is set to average hold.




Measured value

Judgment standby status