Keyboard shortcuts and shortcut menus, 27 keyboard shortcuts and shortcut menus – Apple Keynote '09 User Manual
Page 27

Chapter 1
Keynote Tools and Techniques
The Text Color pop-up menu lets you apply a color to text.
The Document Color pop-up menu lets you apply a color behind a paragraph.
The Text Shadow button applies a shadow to selected text.
The Shadow Opacity, Shadow Blur, Shadow Offset, and Shadow Angle controls
determine the appearance of the shadow.
If you don’t see the text effect buttons, choose Show Effects from the Action pop-up
menu in the lower-left corner of the Fonts window.
To organize fonts in the Fonts window:
Click the Add Collection (+) button to create a new collection.
Select some text and format it with the font family, typeface, and size that you want.
Drag its name from the Family list to the collection where you want to file it.
If you change fonts often, leave the Fonts window open. Resize the Fonts window
using the control on the bottom-right corner of the window, so that only the font
families and typefaces in your selected font collection are visible.
Keyboard Shortcuts and Shortcut Menus
You can use the keyboard to perform many of the Keynote menu commands and
tasks. To see a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts, open Keynote and choose
Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.
Many items within the Keynote window also have shortcut menus that list
commands specific to the item. Shortcut menus are especially useful for working with
tables and charts.
To open a shortcut menu:
Press the Control key while you click an object.