Apple Keynote '09 User Manual
Page 122

It’s always easy to recognize a Smart Build on the slide canvas because it’s enclosed in
a blue box with a small purple diamond in the lower-right corner.
The purple badge
indicates the photo is
part of a Smart Build.
To set up a Smart Build:
Choose Insert > Smart Build > build effect.
Drag images from the Photos pane of the Media Browser (if it’s not open, click Media
in the toolbar) to the drop zone on the slide canvas (a blue square with a dashed
outline) or in the Smart Build editor.
Some Smart Builds display images in two
states; use these buttons and the slider
to change the image size in each state.
Select to make all images
the same size. Deselect to
use the photos’ relative sizes.
Drag photos here.
You can also drag photos and other image files from the Finder.
Use the Smart Build editor to modify the Smart Build in any of the following ways:
To switch the position of two images, drag one over the other in the Smart Build editor.
To remove an image from the build, drag it out of the Smart Build editor, or select it and
press Delete.
To make all photos the same size, select “Scale images to same size.”
To use the relative sizes of the photos, deselect “Scale images to same size.”
Some Smart Builds display images in two states. Use the size buttons and the Scale
slider to specify the image size in each state.
To make the maximum size of the images larger or smaller on the slide canvas, drag
the handles of the blue Smart Build box.
To modify the build speed, direction, alignment, or other attributes:
Select the Smart Build and click the Inspector button in the toolbar.
Click the Build inspector button in the inspector, and then click Action.
Chapter 7
Using Motion in Slideshows