Defining the scale of a custom number format – Apple Keynote '09 User Manual

Page 190

background image

When you choose

This number

Is displayed like this

Decimals and Show Trailing
Zeros and set “Number of Digits”
to 6



Fractions and select the “Up to
two digits (23/24)” option


100 39/40
A space is displayed between
the integer and the fraction
when you add a Spaces element
between Integers and Decimals
elements in the format field.

Fractions and select the
Quarters option


100 1/4

Defining the Scale of a Custom Number Format

The Scale element lets you display a number entered into a table cell using
percentage, scientific notation, or other value sizing conventions.

To use the Scale element:


Add it as “Creating a Custom Number Format” on page 185 describes.


Select it in the format field, click its disclosure triangle, and choose an option.

When you apply a format that includes a scale element to a cell that already contains
a value, the original value is preserved (it’s just displayed differently). When you apply
the same format to an empty cell and then add a value to the cell, the actual value
takes into account the scale you’ve specified. The following table illustrates these cases.


Chapter 10

Using Tables