Apple Keynote '09 User Manual

Page 220

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PowerPoint doesn’t support some Keynote features:

Some bulleted text items may be lost. If you hide the bulleted text on a slide


(by deselecting Body in the Slide inspector), it is deleted from the outline when
you export.
PowerPoint doesn’t support alpha-channel graphics, so if you use a photo cutout


frame, the image behind it will appear in front. You may also notice slight variations
in other graphics.

Creating a PDF File

Your slideshow can be converted to a PDF file, which can be viewed or printed using
Preview, Adobe Reader or any PDF application.

If your slideshow contains hyperlinks, they are exported as active links in the
PDF document.

Here are ways to create a PDF file:
To create a PDF file that will be viewed only onscreen (not as a printed hardcopy),


choose Share > Export and then click PDF. Select your options (for more information,
see “Printing Your Slides” on page 215), click Next, type a name and choose a location
for the file, and then click Export.
You can print PDF documents created using this method, but the document won’t
have printer margins. If you intend to print your PDF file, you might get better results
using the following method.
To create a PDF file that will be printed, choose File > Print, and then choose “Save as


PDF” from the PDF pop-up menu. In the Save dialog, type a name, choose a location
for the file, and then click Save.

Exporting Slides as Image Files

You can export all your slides as image files in JPEG, PNG, or TIFF format.

To export slides as image files:


Choose Share > Export and then click Images.


Specify whether to create a file for every slide or only a range of slides.


To create a separate image for each build stage, select “Create an image for each stage

of builds.”


Choose an option from the Format pop-up menu.

The better the quality is, the larger the file size is.


If you choose JPEG format, use the Quality controls to specify a percentage between

low and high quality.


Click Next.


Type a filename, choose a location for the files, and then click Export.


Chapter 11

Viewing, Printing, and Exporting Your Slideshow