Apple Keynote '09 User Manual

Page 15

background image

Chapter 1

Keynote Tools and Techniques


Most themes come with the following master slides:

Master slide

Recommended use

Title & Subtitle

Title slide or section titles within your

Title & Bullets


Title & Bullets - 2 Column

Content you want to appear side by side


General content pages that require bulleted text;
the text area fills the entire slide


Graphics-rich layouts

Title - Top or Center

Title page or section titles within your

Photo - Horizontal

Horizontal photo with title below

Photo - Vertical

Vertical photo with title and subtitle on the left

Title, Bullets & Photo

Title page or section title with text and photo

Title & Bullets - Left or Right

Content slides on which you can place bulleted
text on the left or right and a graphic on the
other side of the slide