Apple Keynote '09 User Manual
Page 245

pie charts 150, 151, 153
placeholder images
adding and deleting 234
replacing 75
placeholder objects and text, defining 235
placeholder text
adding and deleting 234
pointer, showing and hiding 213
points, modifying stars 86
polygons 87
positioning objects by x and y coordinates 92
exporting to 219
predrawn shapes 81
hyperlinks-only 134
rehearsing 203
Presenter Display 208, 209
presenter notes
printing 215
to YouTube 221
QuickTime 217
quote bubbles 86
quotes 58
radial gradients, filling objects with 100
reducing images to fit slides 75
reflections 99
rehearsing presentations 203
rehearsing slideshow 203
relative spacing guides 90
reordering builds 124, 127
reordering slides 43
resizing or rotating charts 142
resizing tables 162
rotating objects 95
rounded rectangles 85
rows. See table rows
rulers, showing and hiding 67
as a theme 36
copy of document 33
document 33
scatter charts, formatting 156
scientific formatting for table cells 184
search terms 36
searching for words and phrases 71
segments, reshaping 84
selecting objects 87
series elements, formatting on charts 146
shadows 98
adding to text 51
adding text inside 62
inserting 81
modifying 82
shortcuts 27
single and double arrows 85
skipping slides 42
slide backgrounds
changing 46
changing 45
designing 230, 231, 233
previewing 232
setting defaults build styles 239
slide navigation
through hyperlinks 133
slide numbers 43
slide size 203
adding 40
copying, cutting, pasting 41
creating backgrounds 235
grouping 42
importing 233
rearranging 43
opening with hyperlink 133
controlling 201, 208, 210, 213, 214
hyperlinks-only 134, 200
rehearsing 203
self-playing 200
stopping 212
viewing 204
viewing on an external display 206
Smart Builds
creating and modifying 121
smart quotes 58
sorting data in tables 174
adding to a slideshow 75, 106, 107, 108
adjusting settings 110
file types supported 105
saving with slideshow 31, 219, 222
See also Media Browser
special characters and symbols 57
spelling check 70
adding, deleting, and changing the points 83
modifying 86
stopping slideshow