Apple Keynote '09 User Manual

Page 244

background image



importing slide masters 233
inserting a non-breaking space 59
inset margin, adjusting 65
Inspector window 23
Instant Alpha 78
iPhoto, sending to 223
iPod, sending to 224
iTunes, sending to 224
iWeb, sending to 223 226


joining objects with a connection line 94
jumping to slide 21
justifying text 64


Keynote Remote 214


layering objects 89
layouts 44

changing on individual slide 45
customizing 234

light table view 17, 20
line 96
line charts, formatting 155
line spacing 65

adding points 84
reshaping as curves 83

locking and unlocking objects 94


Magic Move 114
Mail, sending Keynote document through 226
margins 67
masking images 76
master gridlines 92
master slides 13, 135

changing 45
designing 230, 231, 233
previewing 232
setting defaults build styles 239


creating equations with 104


reducing file sizes 77, 111

merging table cells 169
misspellings 70
mixed charts, formatting 157
modifying shapes 82
modifying slide masters 46

adjusting playback settings 110

controlling during presentation 213
creating from slideshow 217
file types supported 105
framing 109
placing on a slide 109
using in object builds 128


navigator view 17, 18
non-breaking spaces 59
number formatting for table cells 180
Numbers, copying a chart from 141
numeral system formatting for table cells 183


object builds

creating text builds 126, 127
defining defaults 239
setting the order 124
setting the timing 124
setting up 121, 128

Object builds

copying and pasting 128
setting up 115, 116, 117, 118, 120


adding reflections 99
adding shadows 98
adjusting opacity 99
aligning 89
connecting with a line 94
copying 88
copying and pasting style attributes 103
copying, cutting, pasting 41
deleting 88
filling with color 100
filling with images 102
flipping and rotating 95
grouping and ungrouping 93
layering 89
locking and unlocking 94
positioning with x and y coordinates 92
resizing 95
selecting and deselecting multiple 87

objects and text, defining defaults 236
opacity, adjusting 99
outline view 17, 19


paragraph spacing 66
password protecting 37
pasting slides and objects 41
pasting text 50
PDF, exporting to 220
percentage formatting for table cells 181
picture frames. See framing objects