About redundant and dual video references, Setting up switch points, Managing switch point settings – Grass Valley UniConfi NVISION Series v.1.3 User Manual
Page 84

Rev 1.3 • 14 Dec 09
9. Managing Switch Point Settings
About Redundant and Dual Video References
How to Select Switch Point Settings for the NV8256-Plus Router
How to Select Switch Point Settings for the NV8288 and NV8288-Plus Routers
How to Select Switch Point Settings for the NV8500 Family Routers
How to Select Switch Point Settings for the EC9535
About Redundant and Dual Video References
Each router has two video reference connections. The same reference can be used for both connec-
tions or a different reference for each connection. When using the same, or “redundant,” references
for both connections, if one reference fails, the control card automatically fails-over to the redun-
dant reference. When using different references, or “dual” references, routing switch ‘takes’ can be
configured to occur based on one or the other reference. For example, ‘VIDEO REF 1’ uses NTSC
as a reference and ‘VIDEO REF 2’ uses PAL as a reference.
“Redundant” or “dual” mode is selected using UniConfig. If “dual” is selected, each output can be
configured individually to use ‘VIDEO REF 1’ or ‘VIDEO REF 2’ as the reference.
Setting Up Switch Points
Switch points can be set up for video or audio signals. Depending on the router being configured,
different fields display. For example, if the router routes only video signals, audio signals are not
listed as a switching option. Differences for specific routers are noted in the following procedures.
Be sure to follow instructions for your specific router.
Video signals require that the video reference connections be connected for proper switching.
Using the ‘Switch Point Setup’ window, you can choose to have signals switch on the SD, analog
video or HD line, as appropriate. For information on making video reference connections, see your
router User’s Guide.
EC9535 is a GSC Node Bus converter and not configured like other routers. For details on setting
up a switch points for an EC9535 see
Setting Up EC9535 Switch Points
Each control card must be configured separately.