Managing partitions and signal types, About partitions, Chapter 8 – Grass Valley UniConfi NVISION Series v.1.3 User Manual
Page 61

UniConfig Configuration Application • User’s Guide
8. Managing Partitions and Signal Types
Creating partitions is one of the most critical components of the configuration process. All router
control systems utilize the partition information in one form or another to communicate intelli-
gently with the router and manage the crosspoint connections.
When configuring the UniConfig router, up to four partitions can be set up for all routers except the
NV5100MC and the NV5128 which can have up to eight partitions.
For information on configuring the EC9535, see
This section discusses what partitions are, what they do, and how to manage partitions using Uni-
About Partitions
Partitions are boundaries within the router used to organize switching. After creating partitions, a
signal type is selected to associate with each partition. This defines what signal format is in use and
enables the control card to determine the correct switching rules and reference requirements.
Signals are switched within a partition, not between partitions. Inputs can be switched only to out-
puts contained in the same partition. Every matrix must contain at least one partition. The control
card will be in an error state (red LED illuminated) if no partition information is found in EE mem-
ory on the router motherboard during boot up.
It is not required that different signal formats be split into separate partitions. In fact, there are cases
where doing this prohibits system functionality. For example, on a router with 32 x 32 SD video
and 32 x 32 analog video with analog-to-digital conversion input and output cards, if the system is
divided into two partitions it is not possible to route between the analog and digital partitions even
though the conversion cards are designed to allow this. Making one 64 x 64 partition eliminates this
issue. In this case the router control system may address the router by specifying physical input and
output ports on a single partition.
Many router control systems support partitioning use virtual instead of physical partitions, called
“levels”. Because each router control system creates and manages virtual levels in a unique manner,
this document only covers those instances that apply to a majority of existing systems.
Each router control system utilizes partitions in a slightly different way. Restructuring the partitions
on the control card using UniConfig is quick and easy, but may have profound effects on the router
control system physical input and output mapping tables. If there is any doubt about the best way to
partition the router, create small test configurations in the router control system to evaluate router
behavior. Once the desired results have been obtained proceed with creating the complete configu-
In the UniConfig interface, ‘Levels’ are analogous to partitions.