Signal types, About output follow mode, About data x/y mode – Grass Valley UniConfi NVISION Series v.1.3 User Manual
Page 62: Managing partitions and signal types

Rev 1.1 • 14 Dec 09
8. Managing Partitions and Signal Types
Signal Types
Signal Types
Routing matrices are intended to switch signals from input to output. However, the control card has
no knowledge of the type of signal actually being passed through the matrix. The control card’s
task is to accept control messages from the router control system, convert these messages into
appropriate crosspoint selections, and then initiate the switch at the correct moment in time.
Using UniConfig a signal type is selected and that information sent to the control card. This selec-
tion determines the switching rules the control card uses to make routes. Signal types are selected
for each partition and vary depending upon the type of matrix.
Depending on the signal type, the control card requires reference signals to accurately determine
when to perform the actual switch from one input to another. In general, all Miranda routers,
regardless of format, have video reference and AES reference connections. For video references,
SMPTE standards define where the switch should occur for most common signal types. For 525
line analog and SD video the switch should occur on line 10. High definition signals should be
switched on HD line 4. For AES references, the reference signal should have a sample rate of
kHz, clock-locked to the video reference signal. For more information on reference connections,
see the router User’s Guide.
About Output Follow Mode
When setting up partitions, the ‘Output Follow’ mode can be selected. The ‘Output Follow’ mode
provides monitor output functionality on routers that do not support a monitor card (e.g., the
NV5128) or on routers that support a monitor card, but the card does not have enough outputs for
monitoring purposes (e.g., the NV8256-Plus). In addition, ‘Output Follow’ mode enables the auto-
matic tracking of one output to another output.
To use the ‘Output Follow’ functionality, output follow is set up as a separate partition in the router.
This partition allows inputs within the partition to map to outputs from the router; an output can be
set to follow the input of another output.
For example, output 2 is set to follow output 1. An operator switches input 1 to output 1. Input 1 is
seen on both outputs 1 and 2. An operator switches input 5 to output 1. Input 5 is seen on both out-
puts 1 and 2. An operator switches input 128 to output 1. Input 128 is seen on both outputs 1 and 2,
and so on.
About Data X/Y Mode
When setting up partitions, UniConfig allows a ‘Data X/Y’ mode to be selected. The ‘Data X/Y’
mode enables a machine control router, such as the NV5256, to behave like an X/Y router.
X/Y routers allow any input to be routed to any output or any set of outputs. An input port is a sin-
gle physical connector, and similarly, an output port is a single physical connector. This means that
the input signal for an output port has a single direction.