KEYENCE DV-90 User Manual

Page 214

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E DV-90-IM


PLC Link

9-2 Device Assignment

„ DMs in which various data is written

• All data shown above is written in binary code.

For the timing of when each type of data is written, refer to page 9-17.

• The current read number is written in “X+18”.

The read number to be generated varies depending on the “Verify Type” as shown in the
following list.

• “X+19 Verification count value Check Area” can be used only when “Counter” in “Verify” is set

to “ON”.

• “X+22 Read quality judgment Check Area” can be used only when “Read Quality Check” in

“PORT1” is set to “ON”.
Note that “Read Quality Check” cannot be used when “Verify Type” is “Verify Step”, “Verify
3Points-A”, or “Verify 3Points-B”.

• The values of “999: Verify NG”, “998: Selected Master Verify NG”, and “997: Read Error” can

be changed on the setup software. Refer to page 7-15 for details.



Data description

Writing from

the DV-90

Writing from

the PLC


Read State Number Check Area

1: First data reading

2: Second data reading

3: Third data reading

Yes No


Verify Count Value Check Area

0 to 65535

Yes No


Record Number Check Area

1 to 900: Record number

0: Verify Step OK

999: Verify NG

998: Selected Master Verify NG

997: Read Error

Yes No


Output Number Check Area

1 to 900: Output number

0: Verify Step OK

999: Verify NG

998: Selected Master Verify NG

997: Read Error

Yes No


Read Quality Check Area

0: Read Quality OK

1: Read Quality NG

Yes No

Verify Type

Read number to be generated

Verify Normal

1 only

Verify Active

1 only

Verify Step, Verify 2 points

1 and 2

Verify 3points-A, Verify


1, 2 and 3


When using the MELSEC Series, a value of “X+19” exceeding 32767 is recognized as a neg-
ative value.