I/o settings menu, I/o settings menu -11 – KEYENCE DV-90 User Manual

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E DV-90-IM



I/O Settings Menu

„ Menu list

I/O settings menu

Input type
Parallel output ON time
Parallel output delay time
REMOTE input assignment
Preset mode status output
Active record selection notification

„ Setting item details

Setting Item LCD Display Selection Item

0 1 I n p u t T y p e

0 2 O U T O N T i m e

0 : N . O .

: 5 0 0 m s

0 3 O U T D e l a y

04 Remote Terminal Key

: 5 m s

0 : O F F

0 5 P r e s e t

0 : O F F

0 : O F F

1 : O N

0 6 Active Notice

0 : O F F

0 : O F F

1 : O N

0 : O F F

1 : P R E S E T
2 : E S C
3 : E N T E R

: 1 0 ~ 2 5 5 0 m s

0 : A ( N . O . )

1 : B ( N . C . )

(Initial Value 500ms)

: 0 ~ 2 5 5 m s

(Initial Value 5ms)

The input polarity is set.

Input type

The parallel output ON time is
set. ( Refer to 4-11)

Parallel output ON time

The parallel output delay time
is set. ( Refer to 4-11)

Parallel output delay time

The key to become the subject
of the REMOTE input is set.
( Refer to 3-4)

REMOTE input assignment

ON/OFF of the preset mode
status output is set.
( Refer to Appendix-18)

Preset mode status output

The status when selecting an
active record is output.
( Refer to Appendix-19.)

Active record selection notification

6-2 Setting Items of the DV-90