Details on dm assignment, Details on dm assignment -6 – KEYENCE DV-90 User Manual

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E DV-90-IM


PLC Link

9-2 Device Assignment

Details on DM Assignment

„ DM that reports the start of operation to the PLC

• This is the flag that reports the start of operation to the DV-90.
• Write “1” at the time of starting the operation. The DV-90 returns the value to “0” after it is suc-

cessfully processed, and starts the operation.

• Be sure to set the correct initial value of each DM before starting the operation. Refer to “Steps to

take before starting operation” described below.

• During standby, the DV-90 does not perform operations such as receiving data from the code

reader, comparing data with master data, and outputting data.

(Steps to take before starting operation)

The steps to take before starting the operation are described below. After these steps, process the
program for normal operation.
For the contents of each DM, refer to the respective item.

➀Write the following information as the initial settings.

• “X+01 to +03” … Set the data write head address.
• “X+08” ………… Set “0: Real-time processing” or “1: Sequence processing”.

➁Initialize each DM.

• Initialize “X+06”, “X+07”, “X+09”, “X+14”, and “X+17” to “0”.
• Initialize “X+10” to “1: Data write enabled”. (In the case of sequence processing)
• Initialize “X+12” to the active record number at the time of startup. (In the case of active


➂Set the Work Start Notice Flag.

• When you write “1” in “X+00”, the operation starts.

➃After the operation starts, the DM changes as follows:

• “1: During normal operation” is written in “X+17”.
• After the active record number has been changed, “1” is written in “X+11”. (In the case of

active verification)



Data description

Writing from

the DV-90

Writing from

the PLC


Work Start Notice Flag

0: Work standby

1: Work start








• Once the operation starts, the work standby state cannot be established using “X+00”.
• When the mode changes to the Preset mode, Test mode, or Setting mode with the key

operation on the DV-90, the DV-90 returns to the work standby state. In such a case, write
“1: Work Start” again.


Always write “1” in “X+00” to prevent the work standby state from being established by
mode change.