5 761 compact ic, 1 761 compact ic features, 2 761 compact ic icon – Metrohm IC Net 2.3 User Manual

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6 Devices

IC Net 2.3



761 Compact IC


761 Compact IC features

The Metrohm 761 Compact IC is a PC-controlled system for ion
chromatographic analyses. The two following versions are avail-

2.761.0010 Compact IC without suppressor module

2.761.0020 Compact IC with suppressor module

All the parts of the 761 Compact IC like injection valve, high-
pressure pump, conductivity detector, suppressor module and
peristaltic pump, are normally fully controlled by the «761 Com-
pact IC
» program. However, the 761 Compact IC can also be
operated using the «IC Net» program. This program also enables
the operation of more than one 761 Compact IC with one PC.
The 761 Compact IC is normally connected to a PC COM port us-
ing the 6.2134.100 connecting cable.
For detailed information about the 761 Compact IC see 761 In-
structions for Use


761 Compact IC icon

System disconnected

System connected

System connected

Injection valve in

Injection valve in






761 icon

is available in the system window if a

761 Compact IC

has been installed with the

New system wizard

or by using the

Setup/New devices/Install new device

option of the



(see section 6.1.3). If the system is connected, the

761 icon


tains two buttons for manual control of the injection valve at the
761 Compact IC:

Switch the injection valve to the "Inject" position.

Switch the injection valve to the "Fill" position.