Metrohm IC Net 2.3 User Manual

Page 371

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11.1 Software license

IC Net 2.3


5. Metrohm and its distributor disclaim all other warranties

and liability. In particular, Metrohm and its distributor as-
sume no liability for third-party damage or consequential
damage, loss of data, lost profits, interruption of business,

6. This Agreement applies until it is terminated. You can ter-

minate this Agreement by destroying the Software and
every copy of it. The Agreement is also deemed termi-
nated if you violate any of its terms, in which case you are
also obligated to destroy the Software and every copy of it,
whereby Metrohm is also entitled to explicitly demand this
of you.

7. Any changes and amendments to this Agreement must be

rendered in writing to attain validity. This stipulation requir-
ing written form also applies to a change in this provision.
If parts of this Agreement prove to be null and void or le-
gally ineffective now or in the future, the remainder of the
Agreement continues to apply. The Agreement must then
be interpreted and applied so that the intended purpose of
the ineffective section is nevertheless achieved to the
greatest extent possible.

8. Venue: Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be

decided by the courts at the location of the registered of-
fice of Metrohm AG. Metrohm is also entitled to demand
that the venue be the location of the defendant's registered