Metrohm IC Net 2.3 User Manual
Page 319

7.6 Report output
IC Net 2.3
Concentration of std
Concentration of the internal standard
component for relative concentration calcu-
lations. This value is stored in
This run
umn of the concentration table.
Total % for normalization
A value to which the sum of concentrations
is normalized. It is used for
Response nor-
Normalized concentrations
quantification methods. The default value is
Printing order
Determines the order of the components in
the peak table.
By peaks
Lists run results for all peaks detected. Uni-
dentified peaks (corresponding to the uni-
versal component) are included, but miss-
ing components are not listed.
By components
Missing components are always included
into the report, even those with concentra-
tion equal to zero. In the case of presence
of universal component the summary for all
unidentified peaks is presented as a single
Calls up a box with a list of columns that
can be included into the report (see section
7.6.8). It is available only if
method = Custom
has been selected.
Report all peaks
Checkbox that includes all peaks irrespec-
tive of the concentration of the substance.
Otherwise the report generator excludes
lines with zero concentration of the compo-
nent. It is available only if
method = Custom
has been selected.
If this checkbox is checked, a separate
peak table report is put out for every group
specified in the component table.