3 filters – Metrohm IC Net 2.3 User Manual

Page 285

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7.3 Method setup

IC Net 2.3


Start delay

Time delay before starting data acquisition
in min.

Detector name

User-defined detector name.

Data acquisition source

Measuring channel (read-only).

7.3.3 Filters




Method setup

window with parameters for noise filtra-

tion of raw data. Three different filtration algorithms are available
to reduce noise and increase apparent signal-to-noise ratio.


Spikes filter. The Spikes filter smoothes
the first and last points of the chroma-
togram and the points identified as spikes.
The spike is exchanged with half of the sum
of two neighboring signal values.

Slit Median

Median filter. Performs filtration if non-zero
smoothing degree is entered. Smoothing
degree should be a natural number. The
values within the window are sorted by in-
creasing response level and the response
corresponding to the middle of the window
is replaced with the value in the middle of a
sorted array. This method affects chroma-
tographic peaks in minimal extent, im-
proves baseline and eliminates single-point
spikes. In this case the spike will be re-
placed with one of the neighboring points.

Slit Gaussian

Gauss filter. Performs filtration if non-zero
smoothing degree is entered. The sum of
all window points with Gaussian weights
distribution is calculated and is used as a
new raw data value. The peaks become a