2 scope of supply, Scope of supply -2, Cross cutter – Lenze EVS93xx CrossCutter User Manual
Page 6

Cross Cutter
Preface and general information
Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN
Scope of supply
The CD-ROM supplied with the product contains the following files:
File type
Binary file:
The binary file contains the ready-compiled project with all system and
application codes (for application codes see Chapter 6.2.1) and can be
uploaded to the target system using Lenze's GDLoader software tool. You
will need the binary file if you are going to be working with the
parameterisable variant (see Chapter 1.4.1).
Project file:
The project file contains the source code for the prepared solution. You will
need the project file if you are going to be using the programmable variant
of the prepared solution (see Chapter 1.4.2). The file is a read only file to
make sure that you always can come back to the original version. If you
want to edit this file you first have save it under a different name. Then it can
be edited, compiled and uploaded to the target system with Lenze's DDS
Library files:
The library files contain the core functionality of the prepared solution and
provide the basis for the project file. You will not be able to compile the
project file in DDS without errors if you do not have the library files.
Device description file German:
You will need the device description file to set the parameters of the
prepared solution (parameterisable variant) using Lenze's GDC software
Device description file English:
You will need the device description file to set the parameters of the
prepared solution (parameterisable variant) using Lenze's GDC software
Symbol file for the GDOscilloscope:
The symbol file for use in conjunction with Lenze's Global Drive
Oscilloscope software contains a list of oscillograph-compatible signals
associated with the prepared solution. When GDOscilloscope starts up, the
file will need to be assigned in order to be able to access the required
signals from the prepared solution.