Status interface, Cross cutter – Lenze EVS93xx CrossCutter User Manual
Page 118

Cross Cutter
Installing and starting up the "CrossCutter" prepared solution
Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN
Bit 00: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 01: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 02: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 03: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 04: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 05: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 06: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 07: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 08: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 09: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 10: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 11: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 12: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 13: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 14: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 15: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
System status
Error number (g_wErrorNumber)
Data word 1
Bit 00: System error (g_bGlobalError)
Bit 01: Following error warning (g_bFollowErrorWarn)
Bit 02: Following error (g_bFollowErrorQSP)
Bit 03: Positioning in progress (g_bToolPositioningBusy)
Bit 04: Target position reached (g_bToolPositioningDone)
Bit 05: System locking to motion profile (g_bLockToCamBusy)
Bit 06: System locked to motion profile (g_bLockToCamDone)
Bit 07: Mark correction active (g_bXTpSyncBusy)
Bit 08: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new cutting length in progress (g_bCrossCutterCalcBusyCuttingProfile)
Bit 09: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new reject length in progress (g_bCrossCutterCalcBusyRejectProfile)
Bit 10: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new test length in progress (g_bCrossCutterCalcBusyTestProfile)
Bit 11: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new start/stop length in progress (g_bCrossCutterCalcBusyStartStopProfile)
Bit 12: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new cutting length completed successfully.
Starting a new calculation sequence will reset this status output to FALSE (g_bCrossCutterCalcDoneCuttingProfile).
Bit 13: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new reject length completed successfully.
Starting a new calculation sequence will reset this status output to FALSE (g_bCrossCutterCalcDoneRejectProfile).
Bit 14: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new test length completed successfully.
Starting a new calculation sequence will reset this status output to FALSE (g_bCrossCutterCalcDoneTestProfile).
Bit 15: Calculation sequence for new cross-cutter motion profile for a new start/stop length completed successfully.
Starting a new calculation sequence will reset this status output to FALSE (g_bCrossCutterCalcDoneStartStopProfile).
Bit 16: Homing activated (g_bHomingBusy)
Bit 17: Home position detected (g_bHomingDone)
Bit 18: "Homing error" status signal (g_bHomingError)
Bit 19: (not assigned)
Bit 20: The cross cutter is operating as an asynchronous cross cutter (g_bUseAsynchronusCrossCutter).
Bit 21: The cross cutter is operating as a synchronous cross cutter (g_bUseSynchronusCrossCutter).
Bit 22: The cross cutter is operating in "Continuous cutting" mode (g_bUseCuttingProfile).
Bit 23: The cross cutter is operating in "Reject operation" mode (g_bUseRejectProfile).
Bit 24: The cross cutter is operating in "Test operation" mode (g_bUseTestProfile).
Bit 25: Opening reject gate (g_bOpenRejectGate)
Bit 26: The maximum number of cycles without a mark signal appearing in the mark window has been exceeded
Bit 27: System ready for print-mark control (g_bSystemReadyToUseTP)
Bit 28: Using print-mark register (g_bUseShiftedTP)
Bit 29: Knife in material (NOT g_bKniveNotInMaterial)
Bit 30: (not assigned)
Bit 31: All calculation sequences for new cross-cutter motion profiles have been completed successfully.
Starting a new calculation sequence will reset this status output to FALSE (g_bAllCalcDone).
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