15 varstatemachine, Varstatemachine -31, Cross cutter – Lenze EVS93xx CrossCutter User Manual
Page 199: Appendix

Cross Cutter
Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN
6.1.15 VarStateMachine
Global variables
(Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Name Data
Activate locking of drive to motion profile.
Locks the drive to the corresponding
position on the motion profile.
g_bLockToCam BOOL
Unlocks the drive from the motion profile
and sets it to standstill.
Factor for the ratio Y/X (maximum gradient) for the relevant profile.
16384 = 100%
Default setting: 250
Only relevant for mode 3
g_dnLockToCamLimitX_p DINT
Maximum number of increments used per cycle to lock the drive.
Default setting: 300 [incr.]
Example: g_dnLockToCamLimitX = 1500
Up to 1500 increments are used per cycle to move the drive to the
stationary tool position.
g_dnLockToCamWindow_p DINT
Following the correction operation performed in mode 3, the tool and profile position
are located in this window.
Default setting: 30 [incr.]
Selection of the mode in which the drive will be locked to the feed profile.
The drive is locked to the motion profile
along the shortest path.
Only this mode is
permissible in the case of a
forward/reverse profile.
Lock the drive to the motion profile using
forward motion only.
If an attempt is made to use
a forward/reverse profile, an
error message will be output
and the system will switch to
the "Trouble" state via a
quick stop (QSP).
g_byLockToCamMode ENUM
Lock the drive to the motion profile using
reverse motion only.
If an attempt is made to use
a forward/reverse profile, an
error message will be output
and the system will switch to
the "Trouble" state via a
quick stop (QSP).
Helpvariable for selection of the mode in which the drive will be locked to the feed
profile via Codenumber C3630.
The drive is locked to the motion profile
along the shortest path.
Only this mode is
permissible in the case of a
forward/reverse profile.
Lock the drive to the motion profile using
forward motion only.
If an attempt is made to use
a forward/reverse profile, an
error message will be output
and the system will switch to
the "Trouble" state via a
quick stop (QSP).
g_byLockToCamModeCode BYTE
Lock the drive to the motion profile using
reverse motion only.
If an attempt is made to use
a forward/reverse profile, an
error message will be output
and the system will switch to
the "Trouble" state via a