4 online start-up with gdc, Online start-up with gdc -123, Cross cutter – Lenze EVS93xx CrossCutter User Manual

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Cross Cutter

Installing and starting up the "CrossCutter" prepared solution

Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN



Online start-up with GDC

Start GDC and run a search for the controllers connected to the system bus. GDC will find
the connected controllers. These will include the controller loaded with the
CrossCutter_SPLC_Vxxxxxx for 9300 Servo PLC and CrossCutter_ECS_Vxxxxxx for ECS.

Prepared Solution for 9300 Servo PLC

Prepared Solution for ECS

Double-click the cross-cutter axis drive and read back the parameters from the drive.


Step 1