Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Getting started – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual

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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer

Getting Started




CHAN (continued)

Chan 1 > Vert Scale

If the Chan 1 > Vert Scale selection is not active, press the Chan1 > Vert Scale menu key. Use the
spin knob or to step the vertical sensitivity of the display through the range from 0.1 dB/Div to 20
dB/Div. Observe the resulting changes in the pulse height, and note that the VertScale parameter
changes at each step to match the selected sensitivity. Note also that the display is rescaled without
recapture of data, and that the markers continue to make full-resolution measurements on
waveforms that are off the screen.

Chan 1 > Vert Center

Press the Chan 1 > Vert Center menu key. Use any of the data entry controls to shift the vertical
center of the display to correspond to power levels of -10, 0 and +10 dBm. Observe the position of
the display at each setting and note that the VertCenter parameter changes to match the selected
level. Note also that the power readings do not change and the display is moved without recapture
of data.

Chan 1 > Calibration

Used at the start of this procedure to calibrate the sensor.

Chan 1 > Exten >

Press the Chan 1 > Exten menu key to access the Extensions submenu (Figure 3-6).

Chan 1 > Exten

Press the Chan 1 > Exten >Units menu key to see the Units selection menu. The

> Units

top menu box displays the current units of the channel. To change the units to Watts, Volts, dBV,
dBmV or dBuV, press the corresponding menu key. The selected unit will appear in the top menu
box location. Return the units to dBm before proceeding to the next step.

Chan 1 > Exten

Press the Chan 1 > Exten > Corrections menu key to see the Corrections sub

> Corrections


Chan 1 > Exten

Press the Chan 1 > Exten > Corrections > dB Offset menu key to display or


enter the dB Offset vertically on the display (Positive offsets move the waveform

> dB Offset

up; negative offsets move it down). Unlike Chan 1 > Vert Center above, dB offset does affect the
power readings.


In practice, dB Offset is used to compensate for attenuators or amplifiers inserted between the sensor and
the device under test. Freq CF is used to compensate for losses in cables, adapters, switches and other line
equipment inserted between the sensor and the calibrator output, or between the sensor and the device
under test, but not both.