Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Remote operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual

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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer

Remote Operation


Table 5-1. SCPI COMMAND SUMMARY (continued)


Return modulated mode Pavg in dBm


Return modulated mode Pavg in equivalent volts

MEMory:DRIVe Set/return active drive letter, A-Z

MEMory:FDOFfset:TBLA:DATA Set/return data array for frequency-dependent offset table A. N max = 60 pairs.

= Freq1, Ofset1, Freq2, Ofset2 ... FreqN, OfsetN


MEMory:FDOFfset:TBLB:DATA Set/return data array for frequency-dependent offset table B. N max = 60 pairs.

= Freq1, Ofset1, Freq2, Ofset2 ... FreqN, OfsetN

MEMory:FREE? Return the bytes of available memory free on selected drive

MEMory:OVERwrite Set/return the file overwrite state.

MEMory:SNSR[1|2]:CFFAST? Return sensor data

MEMory:SNSR[1|2]:CFSLOW? Return sensor data

MEMory:SNSR[1|2]:INFO? Return sensor data

MEMory:SNSR[1|2]:MESSage? Return sensor data


Return sensor temperature compensation data

MEMory:SYS:LOAD Recall setup file and configure instrument. = filename with path but no



Build an instrument setup file and save to file. = filename with path but no


MMEMory:COPY Copy from source argument to destination argument. (Ex: = CH1 MEM2)

MMEMory:LOAD Read a reference waveform from disk into a reference channel. (Ex: =

filename MEM2)


Copy from display to destination argument.

MMEMory:STORe Write a waveform to disk from a specified channel. (Ex: = TRIG1 filename)


Set calibrator output level. = -50.0 to 20.0 dBm

OUTPut:LEVel:LIMit Set maximum power level for calibrator output. = -50.0 to 20.0 dBm

OUTPut:LEVel:STEP Set power step size for calibrator output level. = 0.1 to 60.0 dB

OUTPut:MODUlation Set calibrator to selected output mode. = CW, PULSE

OUTPut:POLArity Set calibrator edge to selected edge. = POS, NEG