Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual

Page 102

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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer



Table 4-7. Chan Mem # > Menu

Menu Item




(SCPI cmd)


Pulse, Mod & Stat

Identical to Chan # > menu. See Table 4-2.

See Table 4-2

Select either ―Mem 1‖ or ―Mem 2.‖


Pulse, Mod & Stat

Turns the display of the current stored


Off, On

waveform off or on.

Remove the stored waveform from the
waveform display window by pressing the
Chan Mem # > Channel menu key. Press
it again to restore the display.

CALCulate[6|7]:STATe {ON, OFF}

Vert Scale

Pulse, Mod & Stat

Initially identical to the Vertical Scale of


the waveform when saved.

The stored waveform is saved in full vertical
resolution in a floating point array. This
allows the vertical scale of the memory
channel waveform to be changed any time
after being recalled from memory or from
a file. The memory channel Units can also be
changed at any time using the Chan Mem #
> Exten > Units
menu. Changes are
persistent, but do not modify the original file.

(current units)

Vert Center

Pulse, Mod & Stat

Initially identical to the Vertical Center

(Numeric) of the waveform when saved.

The stored waveform is saved in full vertical Figure 4-20.

resolution in a floating point array. This

Chan Mem # >

allows the vertical center or offset of memory
channel waveforms to be changed any time
after being saved to memory or recalled from
a file. Changes are persistent, but do not
modify the original file.

DISPlay:TRACe[6|7]:VCENTer (current units)