Calibration source, Calibration source -8, Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual
Page 24: General information
Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer
General Information
Table 1-2 Model 4500B Performance Specifications (continued)
(Specifications are subject to change without notice)
Trigger Delay Resolution:
0.02 divisions
Trigger Hold-off Range:
0.0 – 1.0 sec
Trigger Hold-off Resolution:
10 nsec
Trigger Mode:
Normal, Auto, Auto pk-to-pk, Free Run
B Trigger Mode:
A only, B Delay-by-time, B Delay-by-events
B Trigger Source:
Chan 1, Chan 2, Ext Trig 1, Ext Trig 2
B Trigger Slope:
+ or –
B Trigger Events Counter Range: 1 to 999,999 events
B Trigger Time Delay Range:
0.0 – 1.0 sec in 10 nsec increments
B Trigger Time Delay Resolution: 10 nsec
Internal Trigger Level Range:
-39.9 to +20 dBm (sensor dependent)
External Trigger Level Range:
±5 volts, ±50 volts
External Trigger Input:
1 Megohm in parallel with 70 pF, or 50 ohm, DC Coupled
Trigger Output (option 06):
One TTL output per channel via rear-panel BNC connector(s). Output
indicates state of channel‘s trigger system. Latency <30ns, minimum
pulse width 20ns, max pulse frequency 20MHz (trigger source limited).
Operating Modes:
CW, Internal Pulse or External Pulse
1.024 GHz ± 0.01%
Level Range:
-50 to +20 dBm
0.1 dB
Output VSWR:
1.20 maximum
CW Absolute Accuracy:
±0.065 dB (±1.5%) at 0 dBm
CW Accuracy vs level:
add ±0.03 dB per 5 dB increment from 0 dBm
Preset Internal Pulse Period:
100 usec, 1 msec or 10 msec
Preset Internal Pulse Duty Cycle: 10% to 90% in 10% increments
Variable Pulse On Time:
7 usec to 65.535 msec in 1 usec steps
Variable Pulse Period:
28 usec to 131.072 msec in 2 usec steps
Off-time limits - within 7 usec to 65.535 msec
Pulse Polarity;
+ or –
RF Connector:
Precision Type N
External Pulse Input:
Rear panel BNC, TTL level compatible
The Calibrator is used to automatically generate linearity calibration
data for peak power sensors. It is also provides test signals.