Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual
Page 112
Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer
Table 4-8B. Statistics > Menu (continued)
Menu Item
(SCPI cmd)
Horiz Offset
Offsets the left edge of the Horiz Scale (Lin) waveform
Continuous Range:
Lin: 0.0 % to 99.0 %
For the linear scale only, use any of the data entry controls to set the
offset of the left edge of the display. The upper limit of this function
depends on the Horiz Scale setting. The % Offset can not create an
invalid display. An invalid display is one for which the right edge of
the display exceeds 100% or the left edge is less than 0%. For example,
when the X-axis is at 10% per division, the percent offset can only be
zero. See Figure 4-25a.
DISPlay:PCTOFST <0.0 to 99.0> (%)
Stat Mode
Select distribution displayed
(Mult. Choice)
The distribution functions are derived from a histogram of all of the
power samples taken during the measurement time. None are discarded
unless decimation is selected as the termination method.
The complementary cumulative distribution function , CCDF (also
known as 1-CDF), plot presents the data as the percent of total samples
above a selected level. No samples (0.0 %) can be above the peak
power; therefore, the power at zero probability is the peak power by
The cumulative distribution function, CDF, plot presents the data as the
percent of total samples at or below a selected level. All of the samples
must be at or above the peak power; therefore, the power at 100%
probability is the peak power by definition.
The probability distribution function, PDF, plot presents the percentage
of samples that lie within equal sized bins. The number of bins per
division can be specified. The PDF display is used mainly for data
PDF Bars
Stat (PDF)
Select the number of bars in the PDF display.
1 to 35/ Div
Use any of the data entry controls to select the number of bars (bins)
per horizontal division in the PDF display.
DISPlay:TRACe:PDFBars {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 35}