12 mark key and mark > menu, 12 mark key and mark > menu -51, Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual

Page 123: Operation

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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer



Table 4-9C. Trig > Menu (statistical) (continued)

Menu Item




Gate 2

Gated Stat

Mark the end of the statistical time gate


Continuous range:

With the burst of interest synchronized in the Pulse Preview window
position the Gate 2 vertical cursor at the end of the region to be

included in the distribution function.

TRIGger:STATistical:GATE2 (sec)

Pulse Preview

Gated Stat

Select a split screen view with the amplitude vs time display on top and


Off, On

the distribution function of the same signal view on the bottom.

4.12 MARK Key and Mark > Menu

In the Pulse and Modulated modes, the MARK function key activates the Mark > menu (Figure 4-28) which enables you to
position the time marks, and make power (or voltage) and time interval measurements. In the Statistical mode (Option 10)
you can position the percent probability marks and make power (or voltage) cumulative distribution measurements. The
markers are disabled in the discrete probability density function (PDF)mode. See Section 4.13 on Reference Lines for PDF

In the Pulse and Modulated modes the signal level at Time Mark 1 or the maximum (or minimum) level between Time Mark
1 and Time Mark 2 can be selected to appear above the left-hand side of the display window; similarly, the signal level at
Time Mark 2 or the minimum (or maximum) level between Time Mark 1 and Time Mark 2 can be selected to appear above
the right-hand side of the display window.

The center position above the display window can indicate either the ratio of the two marker measurements, the average of
the waveform between the markers or the peak-to-average ratio between the markers. For non-logarithmic units, the
difference of the values at the markers can also be displayed (see Table 4-12).

In the Statistical mode the markers are positioned in percent and return the signal levels of the cumulative distributions at the
markers. The center position indicates the ratio of the two marker values.

Table 4-11 explains the operation of each item in the Mark > menu. Figure 4-28 and Table 4-12 describe the items in the
Mark > Extensions > submenu. Each marker field is color-coded to match the waveform the marker is assigned to measure.
When each marker is assigned to a different channel, the power ratio readout is assigned a neutral color and the choice of
functions for the center is reduced.

One marker is designated the active marker for control purposes, and is recognizable by the small triangles at top and bottom.
To change the active marker, press the Mark > Marker # menu key corresponding to the marker you wish to activate. The
markers read the level at the instant specified by their pixel location on the waveform. Readings are not affected by the
setting of the vertical scale or vertical center offset parameters (see Subsection 4.9), nor must waveform data points be visible
screen to be measured. When there are no valid data to be measured at a marker, the corresponding display field will show a
series of dashes (


). The symbol (^^^.^^) indicates an overrange condition; the symbol (


) indicates an

underrange condition.