Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual
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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer
Table 4-6. Chan Math > Expression > Submenu (continued)
Menu Item
(SCPI cmd)
V^2 - the result is the point-by-point product of the waveforms.
Restricted to Ext Trigger voltage waveforms.
Invalid – the combination of arguments and operator is invalid.
Some of the many valid combinations of arguments and operators provided by this function may
not be meaningful in any practical sense, or may require further interpretation to be meaningful.
The most useful are simple ratios, differences and sums. The combination of Channel Math with
Marker Math yields ratios of ratios, which are very difficult to interpret.
Display Units
Pulse, Mod & Stat
Selects the units of the Channel Math display.
(Mult. Choice)
The menu window displays the current units. Press the Chan Math >
Expressions > Display Units key to view the list of available units;
dBm, Watts, Volts, dBV, dBmV and dBuV.
Press the menu key next to the unit selected. The displayed menu will
return to Chan Math > Expressions with the selected units indicated.
CALCulate[5]:UNIT {dBm, W, V, dBV, dBmV, dBuV}
Argument B
Pulse, Mod & Stat
Selects the second item in the Channel Math expression
(Mult. Choice)
CH1, CH2
Ext Trig 1, Ext Trig 2
Press the Chan Math > Expression > Argument B menu key to select
Mem1, Mem2
either ―CH 1‖, ―CH 2‖, ―Trig 1‖, ―Trig 2‖, ―Mem 1‖ or ―Mem 2‖.