Table 4-8c. statistics > term settings > submenu, Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual
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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer
Table 4-8C. Statistics > Term Settings > Submenu
Menu Item
Term Time
Set terminal run time
Discrete ranges:
Off, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60,
Use any of the data entry controls to set a
120, 300, 600, 1800,
running time for statistical data collection.
3600 seconds
When the time expires, the measurement will
execute the Terminal Action. Select Off to
ignore running time.
TRIGger:CDF:TIMe {0 to 3600}
Term Count
Set terminal sample count
Continuous range:
2.0 to 4,096.0
Use any of the data entry controls to set a
terminal sample count. When the count is
reached, execute the Terminal Action.
TRIGger:CDF:COUNt <2 to 4096> (M)
Term Action
Select the terminal action to execute
(Mult. Choice)
Stop, Flush, Decimate
Stop – when the terminal time or count is
reached, stop the measurement.
Flush – when the terminal time or count is
reached, clear the histograms and buffers
and continue with a new measurement.
Decimate - when the terminal time or count
is reached, divide each histogram bin count
and the total sample count by 2 and continue.
This will provide a continuously updating Fig. 4-26.
distribution function.
Statistics > Term Count