Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual
Page 120
Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer
Table 4-9A. Trig > B Trig > Submenu (continued)
Menu Item
(SCPI cmd)
B Source
Pulse & Stat*
Same as Trig > Source for the A Trigger, Table 4-9.
Trig Level
Pulse & Stat*
Same as Trig > Trig Level for the A Trigger, Table 4-9 .
TRIGger:BTRIGger:LEVel <-39.99 to 20.00> (dBm typ)
B Slope
Pulse & Stat*
Same as Trig > Trig Slope for the A Trigger, Table 4-9.
B Dly Time
Pulse & Stat*
Set delay time for B Dly by Time mode
Continuous range:
10 ns to 1 sec
Set the time delay that must occur after the A trigger before the sweep
starts. If the time delay is set to zero, the sweep will start on the first B
trigger following the A trigger (minimum delay). If the time delay is set
to T seconds, the sweep will start on the first B trigger that follows the
A trigger plus an interval of T seconds. If there is no B trigger, the
sweep will not start.
TRIGger:BTRIGger:TDLY <0 to 10000e-3> (sec)
B Dly EvntCnt
Pulse & Stat*
Set trigger event count for B Dly by Evnt mode
Continuous range:
0 to 999,999
Set the number of B trigger events that must occur after the A trigger
before the sweep starts. When the count is set to zero, the sweep will
start when the A trigger occurs (no delay). If the count is set to 1, the
sweep will start on the first B trigger following the A trigger.). If the
count is set to N, the sweep will start on the Nth B trigger following the
A trigger.
TRIGger:BTRIGger:ECOUNT <0 to 999999>