Boonton 4500b rf peak power analyzer, Operation – Boonton 4500B Peak Power Meter User Manual

Page 118

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Boonton 4500B RF Peak Power Analyzer



Table 4-9. Trig > Menu (continued)

Menu Item




(SCPI cmd)

TRIGger:LEVel <-39.99 to 20.00> (dBm typ)

Auto and Normal trig

Press Trig > Trig Level to highlight this

modes: External source

selection and use any of the data entry controls to adjust the trigger

Continuous Range:

level for the external trigger source. (Trigger level settings are set

independently for each trigger source.)

The range of the external trigger level is
determined by the setting of the
Ext Trig # > Exten > Range menu
( 5 V or 50 V).

TRIGger:LEVel <-5 to +5> (volts typ)

Trig Slope

Pulse, Mod & Stat*

Causes the trigger to occur on the selected



slope of the trigger signal

Press the Trig > Trig Slope menu key to
select the desired triggering slope.



Pulse & Stat*

Prevents false triggering when measuring


Continuous Range:

complex digital waveforms

10 ns to 1 sec

The Trig > HoldOff function is used to
stabilize the display of complex signals when
the triggering signal has multiple pulses
within a triggering period. Measuring framed
communication signals is a good example of
an application of the Trig > HoldOff function.
These signals are characterized by repetitive
frames of random data bursts. Each frame is
marked by a framing pattern of several bits.
To achieve a stable display with the Model
4500B, it is necessary to trigger the data
capture with the framing pattern. However, Fig 4-27d. Trig > menu
without an external trigger, the instrument Ext Trig 1; Auto trigger
would trigger repeatedly on the data pulses,
as well as on the framing pattern, resulting
in an unstable display.