Specifying the taclsegf function, Specifying the migration function, Task 4: log off – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
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Table C-1 System Generation Options (continued)
Indicates that...
The file is a system process that runs under its own process identification number
(PIN) from OSIMAGE. Used for processes that are initialized at CPU system load;
for example, memory managers and I/O processes.
System process file
A system generation program binds the file into system processes as a user library
file. (For TNS/R and TNS
System process library file
For more information on how system generation uses these file types, see the System Generation
Manual for G-Series RVUs
Specifying the TACLSEGF Function
Use the TACLSEGF function for files that are to be loaded in the TACL segment file TACLSEGF. If
you select this function, you must specify a TACL directory under which the file will be placed when
it is loaded in TACLSEGF. For more information on the TACLSEGF file, the TACL directory, and
TACL file name conventions, see the TACL Programming Guide.
To specify the TACL directory for a file to be placed in the TACLSEGF segment file:
In the DSV File Information dialog box, click TACL.... CNFGINFO displays the TACL Directory
for DSV file dialog box.
Enter the name of the TACL directory.
Click OK. CNFGINFO returns to the DSV File Information dialog box.
Click OK. CNFGINFO returns to the DSV Distribution Files dialog box.
Specifying the Migration Function
Use the MIGRATION function to indicate that the file is a special version of a software installation
tool to be used by DSM/SCM when migrating from one RVU to another.
Use this feature only under the direction of HP support personnel.
Files used as migration tools have the destination TSV set to the PDTSYS subvolume. If you specified
a different TSV location for the product’s TSV attribute, you are warned that the file’s destination
was changed. Migration tools are usually released under a temporary name and renamed when
placed on the PDTSYS subvolume.
If a file has the Migration Tool function, you must specify the migration to and optionally the
migration from RVUs. The default for the migration from RVU is any RVU preceding the migration
to RVU.
In the DSV File Information dialog box, click Migration.... CNFGINFO displays the Migration
Tool Usage dialog box.
Enter the ID of the RVU being migrated to; for example, G06.26.
Enter the ID of the RVU being migrated from. The default is that the file can be used on any
RVU prior to the one being migrated to.
Click OK. CNFGINFO returns to the DSV File Information dialog box.
Task 4: Log Off
To end the session and leave CNFGINFO:
In the Select DSV Location dialog box, click OK.
CNFGINFO saves all changes you made during the session and returns to the main task
Select File>Exit.
If you have no further DSM/SCM activities to perform:
Check that ZDSMSCM is the current subvolume.
If you are running CNFGINFO on a stand-alone basis, stop $ZPHC.
Task 4: Log Off