HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 187

Receive the OSS software into the Archive again with the Receive All Files option,
using a D46 or later DSM/SCM PVU.
Apply looks for files belonging to the previous configuration revision before placing
files for a new configuration revision if the files have not changed between revisions.
An Apply request stops in a
restartable state with a message
Although the Apply can be restarted if you find the right version of the file and put
it in the right place, the more usual recovery is to:
that an expected fingerprint was
not found or with an error 179.
Cancel the Apply from the ZPHITI.
Perform a Verify Database.
Create an Independent Snapshot.
Verify that the snapshot is received on the host.
Create a new revision based on the current configuration revision (with no
changes), and resubmit the Build/Apply.
DSM/SCM requires that two revisions of the configuration be on the target system.
DSM/SCM refers to these two revisions as Saved Previous and Current. Because
DSM/SCM sends only changed files to the target system as the default, it depends
on the correct files for these two revisions being on the target. Each time an Apply
is initiated, DSM/SCM checks to ensure that the files it did not send (because they
did not change) still exist. (This check is not done for data files.) Because a file might
be under its actual name or its temporary name, DSM/SCM checks the existence
and attributes of the actual file name and the corresponding ZFBnnnnn name.
See the DSM/SCM Messages Manual.
You might get error 5025 during
an Apply if:
Any time a Build completes
successfully, system generation
was unnecessarily performed:
Modifying comments in the
CONFTEXT file forces system
generation. When the fingerprint
of the CONFTEXT file indicates
that the file changed but the
system generation instructions in
the file did not change.
For example: Configuration
DEFAULT 7 was applied to
SYS00. A new configuration
DEFAULT 8 that requires system
generation is built. Once the
DEFAULT 8 Build completes
successfully, you cannot use
SYS00. That is, if you create
DEFAULT 9 identical to DEFAULT
7, system generation is required,
and you cannot send the
configuration to SYS00,
regardless of whether DEFAULT
8 was applied, or applied and
backed out.
INITENV. When you reinitialize,
DSM/SCM does not let you send
your first real Apply to the current
SYSnn, even when the OSIMAGE
files are identical. INITENV
equates to a system load.
The specified CONFTEXT file has either been deleted, renamed, or secured so that
DSM/SCM cannot read it.
During a Build, an Object
Manager error communicating
with SWID occurs.
When a Build/Apply dialog box is opened, DSM/SCM runs SWID to determine
whether the CONFTEXT file has changed and a system generation is therefore
Software Configuration Troubleshooting