IAI America XSEL-QX User Manual
Page 374

Part 4 Commands
(4) Soft limits of the R-axis
The position where the D-cut surface at the tip of the R-axis is facing toward the center of rotation of
arm 2 is the home of the R-axis on its axis coordinate system (0 degree). It is not influenced by the
positions of arm 1 and arm 2.
When limiting the operating range of the R-axis, the difference between the base coordinate system
and the axis coordinate system must be noted.
Limit the operating range of the R-axis to
r180 degrees when the R-axis is currently positioned as
shown below (= limit the R-axis range to
r180 degrees when axis 4 is at 0 on the base coordinate
–180 degrees
(base coordinate)
Orientation of D-cut surface
–Xb direction
+180 degrees
(base coordinate)
–270 degrees
(axis system)
Orientation of D-cut surface
Orientation of center
of rotation of arm 2
+90 degrees
(axis system)
In this case, operation of the R-axis is limited within
a range of 90 degrees in the positive direction and
270 degrees in the negative direction from the origin
of the R-axis coordinate system.
Accordingly, the respective parameters are set as
Axis 4 in axis-specific parameter No. 7 = 90000
Axis 4 in axis-specific parameter No. 8 = -270000
Center of
rotation of R-axis
D-cut surface
Soft limit +
(720 degrees in the display
example in the PC software)
Center of rotation
of arm 2
Soft limit –
(-720 degrees in the
display example in
the PC software)
The operating angle in the
counterclockwise direction (positive
direction) from this origin defines the + soft
limit (axis 4 in axis-specific parameter No.
7). The operating angle in the clockwise
direction (negative direction) from the origin
defines the – soft limit (axis 4 in axis-
specific parameter No. 8).