IAI America XSEL-QX User Manual
Page 129

Part 2 Operation
3. Drive Source Recovery Request and Operation Pause Reset Request
(1) Drive source recovery request
[1] How to request a drive source recovery
A drive source recovery request can be issued using one of the following methods:
x Set I/O parameter No. 44 to “1” (Input selection function 014 = Drive-source cutoff reset
input), then input the ON edge to input port No. 14.
x Select [Drive Source Recovery Request (P)] from the [Controller (C)] menu on the PC
software screen.
x Select Ctl (controller operation) and RPwr (drive source recovery request) on the mode
selection screen of the teaching pendant.
[2] Case where a drive source request is required
A drive source recovery request is required in the following case:
x A drive-source cutoff factor occurred when I/O parameter No. 44 was set to “1” o Recovery
after the cutoff factor is removed.
(2) Operation pause reset request
[1] How to request an operation pause reset
An operation pause reset request can be issued using one of the following methods:
x Set I/O parameter No. 35 to “1” (Input selection function 005 = Operation-pause reset signal),
then input the ON edge to input port No. 5.
x Select [Operation Pause Reset Request (L)] from the [Controller (C)] menu on the PC
software screen.
x Select Ctl (controller operation) and RAct (operation pause reset request) on the mode
selection screen of the teaching pendant.
[2] Cases where an operation pause reset request is required
An operation pause reset request is required in any of the following cases:
x An emergency stop was actuated during automatic operation when other parameter No. 10
was set to “2” (Emergency stop recovery type = Continued operation, and only during
automatic operation)
o Recovery (reset of operation pause) after the emergency stop is
x The automatic operation was stopped using the deadman switch or enable switch when other
parameter No. 11 was set to “2” (Deadman/enable switch recovery type = Continued
operation) (only during automatic operation)
o Recovery (reset of operation pause) after the
stop is reset.
x An OFF input signal was received by input port No. 6 when I/O parameter No. 36 was set
to ”1” (Input selection function 006 = Operation pause signal)
o Recovery (reset of operation
pause) after an ON-level input signal is received by input port No. 6.
* If the case in 2 of (1) and any of the cases in 2 of (2) are present at the same time, a drive
source recovery request must be issued first, followed by an operation pause reset request.