IAI America XSEL-QX User Manual
Page 254

Part 4 Commands
z MOVP (Move by specifying position data in PTP operation)
Command, declaration
Extension condition
(LD, A, O, AB, OB)
Input condition
(I/O, flag)
Operand 1
Operand 2
(Output, flag)
Optional Optional
Prohibited PE
Move the actuator in PTP mode to the position corresponding to the position number
specified in operand 1.
The output will turn OFF at the start of axis movement, and turn ON when the movement is
Movement to any position where target values for both SCARA and linear movement axes
are specified simultaneously is prohibited (“Error No. 421, SCARA/linear movement axis
simultaneous specification error”).
To perform any operation meeting the above condition, use a GRP command or set
different position data for SCARA axes and for linear movement axes.
[Example 1]
Move the axes to the position corresponding to position
No. 2 (200, 225, 150, 30).
In the case of a SCARA axis, the axis will move based on the value of all-axis parameter No.
47, “Default SCARA axis PTP acceleration” or all-axis parameter No. 48, “Default SCARA
axis PTP deceleration” if the acceleration or deceleration is not set by an ACCS (DCLS)
In the case of a linear movement axis, the axis will move based on the value of all-axis
parameter No. 200, “Default linear movement axis acceleration” or all-axis parameter No.
201, “Default linear movement axis deceleration” if the acceleration or deceleration is not set
by an ACC (DCL) command.
Travel path from position No. 1 to position No. 2
㸩 㸩=E 㸩;E 㸩;E 㸩 㸩;E 㸩 r With SCARA, the center of the tool-mounting Position No. 2 Position No. 1 Position No. 2
surface or the tool tip will move via PTP
operation (not linearly).
The movement locus will vary depending on the
starting position and end position of operation,
arm system, etc.
(The figure at left shows positions on the base
coordinate system.)
R-axis position
(Top view)
R-axis position
(Top view)