IAI America XSEL-QX User Manual
Page 246
Part 4 Commands
z PTPE (Dedicated SCARA command: specify current arm as PTP target arm system (Movement of the
opposite arm system is permitted when the target value cannot be achieved) (No arm operation))
Command, declaration
Extension condition
(LD, A, O, AB, OB)
Input condition
(I/O, flag)
Operand 1
Operand 2
(Output, flag)
Optional Optional
Prohibited CP
Specify the current arm system as the target arm system for SCARA PTP operation
command. Once a PTPE command is executed, the target arm system for SCARA PTP
operation command will become the current arm system and any target value that cannot
be achieved with this arm system will be processed by changing the target arm system to
the opposite arm system. Any target value that cannot be achieved with either the right or
left arm system will generate an error. Executing this command itself will not accompany
any arm operation.
(For details, refer to 2, "Arm System," in Chapter 3 of Part 4.)