Delete, Appn configuration commands 192 – IBM SC30-3865-04 User Manual

Page 222

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Table 38. Configuration Parameter List - COS Mapping Table Configuration (continued)

Parameter Information


Native and non-native COS-name pair

Valid Values

A pair of COS names, separated by a blank. Legal characters are: A-Z, @, $, #, 0-9

The first character of each name must be non-numeric.

Default Value



This parameter identifies a pair of COS names. A native COS name is followed by the
corresponding non-native COS name.

For any given COS mapping table, one of the COS name pairs may specify the
non-native COS name as “*” . This designates the default entry to use for all non-native
COS names that do not explicitly match another entry in the table.

One COS name pair cannot exactly match another COS name pair in a given table.
However, a given native COS name can be used in multiple entries, and it is also okay
for a given non-native COS name to be used in multiple entries. The operational
software will use the first entry it finds.

This question will be repeated until terminated with a null entry.


1. The native and non-native names cannot be identical. Only COS names that need

to be changed should be specified.

2. A given native or non-native COS name may appear in multiple entries, but you

cannot have two identical COS name pairs.

3. When you have multiple native COS names mapping to the same non-native COS

name, the border node will use the first of those mappings when it needs to map
from non-native to native. Similarly, when you have multiple non-native COS names
mapping to a common native COS name, the border node will use the first of those
mappings when it needs to map from native to non-native.

4. Any given COS mapping table can have the following maximum number of COS

name pairs:


2210 12x - not supported


2210 14x or 24x - 46

5. Across all COS mapping tables, you may use no more than the following number of

native COS names:


2210 12x - not supported


2210 14x or 24x - 96

There is no analogous limit for non-native COS names.

6. Any given native COS name may appear no more than 255 times across all routing



Use the delete command to delete:


APPN Configuration Commands


MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2