Configuring appn over x.25, Appn 70 – IBM SC30-3865-04 User Manual

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Allow CP-CP sessions on this link (Y)es (N)o [Y]?

CP-CP session level security (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Configure CP name of adjacent node: (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Write this record? [Y]?

The record has been written.
APPN config>list link tostnc1

**(will show link station definitions)

APPN config>add link sdlc001

APPN Station

Station name (Max 8 characters) [ ]? TOSTNC2

Activate link automatically (Y)es (N)o [Y]?

Station address(1-fe) [C2]?

(Note: C2 must match to the remote secondary station)

Adjacent node type: 0 = APPN network node, 1 = APPN end node

2 = LEN end node, 3 = PU 2.0 node [0]?

Edit Dependent LU Server: (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Allow CP-CP sessions on this link (Y)es (N)o [Y]?

CP-CP session level security (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Configure CP name of adjacent node: (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?

Write this record? [Y]?

The record has been written.

APPN config>list link tostnc2

**(will show link station definitions)

APPN config>act



Configuring a primary point-to-point SDLC station


Configuring a secondary point-to-point SDLC station


Configuring a negotiable point-to-point SDLC station


Configuring a primary multipoint SDLC station


Configuring secondary point-to-point (multi APPN link stations)

Configuring APPN Over X.25

This example shows APPN configuration for an X.25 port and two link stations. One
link station is a PVC and one is an SVC. The SVC is configured as a limited
resource. The SVC will be activated when needed and brought down when it is not.

Boats Config>p appn

APPN user configuration

Boats APPN config>add port



(S)DLC, (X)25, (D)LSw, (A)TM, (IP)[ ]? x

Interface number(Default 0):[0]? 2

Port name (Max 8 characters)[X25002]?

Enable APPN on this port (Y)es (N)o[Y]?

Port Definition

Service any node: (Y)es (N)o[Y]?

Maximum number of link stations (1-239)[239]?

Percent of link stations reserved for incoming calls (0-100)[0]?

Percent of link stations reserved for outgoing calls (0-100)[0]?

Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o[N]?

Write this record?[Y]?

The record has been written.
Boats APPN config>add link

APPN Station

Port name for the link station[ ]? x25002

Station name (Max 8 characters)[ ]? x25svc1

Limited resource: (Y)es (N)o[N]? Y

Activate link automatically (Y)es (N)o[N]?

Link Type (0 = PVC , 1 = SVC)[0]? 1

DTE Address [0]? 2222

Adjacent node type: 0 = APPN network node,

1 = APPN end node or Unknown node type

2 = LEN end node, 3 = PU 2.0 node[1]?

Edit Dependent LU Server: (Y)es (N)o[N]?

Allow CP-CP sessions on this link (Y)es (N)o[Y]? N

CP-CP session level security (Y)es (N)o[N]?

Configure CP name of adjacent node: (Y)es (N)o[N]?



MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2


