IBM ZSERIES 890 User Manual
Ibm ^ zseries 890

Specialty engines for flexible
deployment of Linux workloads
and internal Parallel Sysplex
coupling facilities help to
better align z890 advanced
technology with your IT
infrastructure requirements
Flexibility to run multiple
applications and operating
systems on a single server.
zSeries 890
A mainframe sized and priced to suit your business needs
functionality at a lower entry
capacity level than previously
available on IBM z/Architecture
hardware, and with new
granular growth options
Optionally configured zSeries
Application Assist Processor
(zAAP), delivering a cost-
effective and specialised
Java™ execution environment
for improved price/performance
A mainframe for the mid-sized enterprise
The wave of change that IBM first
called ‘on demand’ continues to gain
momentum. Customers ask more of
your company every day, demanding
that your technology infrastructure be
responsive, flexible and resilient. To
help meet the challenges of constant
change, your company must do more
than simply integrate its processes –
it must literally be able to provide
products and services to customers
on demand. Achieving success in
this environment requires an entirely
new approach. In short, it’s never
been so important for your business –
and your IT infrastructure – to
be flexible.
But what does it really mean to be
It means building an IT
infrastructure that can change as fast
as market demands. It means
maintaining the ability to grow along
with your business at your own pace,
increasing and decreasing capacity