Creating functional blocks – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 97

OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
3. Click and hold the mouse button.
4. Drag the Connector tool to the center of the SmartShape of the desired channel so that a red box
opens around the channel SmartShape.
5. Release the mouse button.
6. Select a different tool on the Visio toolbar if you will not be making additional connections or
reassignments (if you continue to use the Connector tool to add new devices, routers, or
functional blocks SmartShapes to your drawing, Visio will attempt to connect the SmartShapes,
which may not be desired or could generate errors.)
Creating Functional Blocks
A functional block encapsulates a set of network variables and configuration properties that perform a
specific device function. For example, a four-port digital input device could have functional blocks for
each of its four digital inputs. Each functional block would contain an output network variable
representing the state or setting of a digital input. In addition, each functional block could contain
configuration properties that control how frequently the digital input data is transmitted to other
functional blocks. Ultimately, the task that the functional block performs in this example is
transmitting the digital input data to other functional blocks (another functional block receiving the
digital input data could then use it to turn a lamp on or off).
You can create a functional block in one step. To do this, you enable automatic device selection and
then drag a custom functional block master SmartShape to your OpenLNS CT drawing near the device
to which you want to assign the functional block. Otherwise, the New Functional Block Wizard opens
when you add a functional block SmartShape to your OpenLNS CT drawing. See Using Automatic
Device Selection in this section for how to enable this feature. See Chapter 12, Creating and Using
OpenLNS CT SmartShapes and Stencil, for how to create and use custom functional block master
To add a functional block to an OpenLNS CT drawing, follow these steps:
1. Drag a Functional Block SmartShape (
) from the OpenLNS CT Basic Shapes stencil to your
OpenLNS CT drawing. The Functional Block Wizard opens unless you enabled automatic device
selection and dropped a custom functional block master SmartShape near a device SmartShape.